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ANTH 148: Human Origins
Recitation 3: Primate and Human Morphology

• Examine the human, chimpanzee, and deer pelvises. Compare the shapes of each species’ ilium and acetabulum. What differences do you observe? What do these differences suggest about locomotion?

• Examine the chimpanzee femur and the human femur. What differences can you observe? (Hint: Consider the bicondylar angle). How do these differences function in bipedalism?

PART 1 of 2

• Examine the human, chimpanzee, and deer innominates. Compare the shapes of each species’ ilium and acetabulum. What differences do you observe? What do these differences suggest about locomotion?


Human Pelvis by the RLA

Chimpanzee Innominate, Right Side, by the RLA


Deer Innominate, Right Side, by msorrel


Features of a Pelvis

PART 2 of 2

• Examine the human femus and chimpanzee femur. What differences can you observe? (Hint: Consider the bicondylar angle). How do these differences function in bipedalism?



Bicondylar Angle (Adapted from Figure 5.13 in The History of Our Tribe: Hominini)