Catawba Project – Selected Bibliography
• Crow, Rosanna (2011). Geochemical Analysis of Catawba Ceramics. Honors thesis, Curriculum in Archaeology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
• Davis, R. P. Stephen, Jr., and Brett H. Riggs (2004). An Introduction to the Catawba Project. North Carolina Archaeology 53:1-41.
• Davis, R. P. Stephen, Jr., and Brett H. Riggs (2004). Finding Tivoli: An Archaeological Search for William Richardson Davie’s Home at Land’s Ford, Chester County, South Carolina. Research Report No. 22, Research Laboratories of Archaeology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
• Davis, R. P. Stephen, Jr., and Brett H. Riggs (2005). A Summary Report of 2004 Archaeological Investigations at Catawba New Town, Lancaster County, South Carolina. Submitted to National Geographic Society by the Research Laboratories of Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
• Davis, R. P. Stephen, Jr., and Brett H. Riggs (2006). A Summary Report of 2005 Archaeological Investigations at Catawba New Town, Lancaster County, South Carolina. Submitted to National Geographic Society by the Research Laboratories of Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
• Davis, R. P. Stephen, Jr., Brett H. Riggs, and David J. Cranford (2012). Summary Report of 2009 Investigations at Old Town, Lancaster County, South Carolina. Report on file, Research Laboratories of Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
• Davis, R. P. Stephen, Jr., and Brett H. Riggs (2014). Summary Report of 2014 Archaeological Investigations at the Nisbet Site (SoC638), Lancaster County, South Carolina. Report on file, Research Laboratories of Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
• Davis, R. P. Stephen, Jr., Brett H. Riggs, and David J. Cranford (2015). Archaeology at Ayers Town: An Early Federal Period Community in the Catawba Nation. Research Report No. 37. Research Laboratories of Archaeology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
• Fitts, Mary Elizabeth (2006). Mapping Catawba Coalescence. North Carolina Archaeology 55:1-59. 2006.
• Fitts, Mary Elizabeth (2015). Defending and Provisioning the Catawba Nation: An Archaeology of the Mid-Eighteenth-Century Communities at Nation Ford. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
• Fitts, Mary Elizabeth (2017). Fit for War: Sustenance and Order in the Mid-Eighteenth-Century Catawba Nation. University of Florida Press, Gainesville.
• Fitts, Mary Beth, Brett H. Riggs, and R. P. Stephen Davis, Jr. (2007). Summary Report of 2007 Archaeological Investigations at Catawba Nassaw Town (38Yk434), York County, South Carolina. Research Report No. 27, Research Laboratories of Archaeology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
• Heath, Charles L. (2004). Catawba Militarism: An Ethnohistorical and Archaeological Overview. North Carolina Archaeology 53:80-120.
• McReynolds, Theresa E. (2004). Catawba Population Dynamics during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. North Carolina Archaeology 53:42-59.
• Plane, Mark R. (2004). Catawba Ethnicity: Identity and Adaptation on the English Colonial Landscape. North Carolina Archaeology 53:60-79.
• Plane, Mark R. (2011). A Historical Archaeology of Catawba Itineracy. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
• Riggs, Brett H., R. P. Stephen Davis, Jr., and Mark R. Plane (2006). Catawba Pottery in the Post-Revolutionary Era: A View from the Source. North Carolina Archaeology 55:60-88.
• Riggs, Brett H. (2010). Temporal Trends in Native Ceramic Traditions of the Lower Catawba River Valley. Southeastern Archaeology 29:31-43.
• Riggs, Brett H., R. P. Stephen Davis, Jr., and Mary Elizabeth Fitts (2015). Archaeology at Ashe Ferry: Late Woodland and Middle Mississippian Period Occupations in the Lower Catawba River Valley, York County, South Carolina. Research Report No. 36. Research Laboratories of Archaeology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
• Shebalin, Theresa E. (2011). Domestic activities and household variation at Catawba New Town, ca. 1790-1820. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.